Support world-class music at Faneuil Hall
Join the Society!
The Society members will have the opportunity to engage on a more personal level with the orchestra from the musicians to the conductor. Your support also enables the Bach, Beethoven, & Brahms Society to provide the highest caliber of performances to our audience.
Society Member $50-99
Access to e-newsletter
Auto renewal
Name in Program
Friend $100-$249
All the Benefits of Society member
Free Choice of BB&B Gear
Discount on additional BB&B gear
Supporter $250-$499
All the Benefits of Friends
Early access to tickets
Benefactor $500-$999
All the benefits of supporters
Access to mini-workshops with Conductor Steven Lipsitt
Sustaining Donor $1000-$2499
All the benefits of Benefactors
Invitation to rehearsals and meet and greet
Sponsor $2500-$4999
All the benefits of Sustaining donors
Sponsor a soloist
Sustaining Sponsor $5000-$9999
All the benefits of Sustaining donors
Invitation to post-concert reception
A musical selection sponsorship or dedication
Angel $10000+
All the benefits of Sustaining Sponsors
Concert Sponsorship or dedication